Wednesday 13 July 2011

Congratulations Bouquet!

What a funny crazy day.  My daughter said it best when daddy was tucking her in tonight: "Mummy is crazy." Yes darling girl, mummy is crazy! Why, you ask? I drove at least an hour today up and down looking for the road that my friend lives on, only to find out that I was on the wrong road to begin with! I eventually did find where I needed to go but insanely did not give up and go home and call my friend after at least 30 minutes (because I didn't have her number) because I was a woman on a mission! I had promised my little girl we were going to see her friend and when you have already loaded two kids in the car and they were quietly sitting in the back seat like little angels there was NO way I was going home.  We got to visit for only a short half hour but it was worth it for several reasons.  I saw the most amazing rainbow, I had cuddles with a brand new baby, I was able to give my friend a bouquet of cupcakes and my 2 year old said thank you for bringing her to her friends house.  All very much worth it!

1 comment:

  1. So worth it Mrs Woolley, specially for your friend who received such a beautiful cake. xxx Johanna
