Where would we be without our mums? Well lets face it, nowhere as they gave birth to us and that in itself is reason enough to honor your mum on mothers day but they are so much more than that. I know that every time I am feeling under the weather or having a bad day the first person I want is my mum. In fact I find I want my mum around even more so now that I have kids myself. I don't even necessarily want her help, I just want her around to be with, to talk with, to share the joy I feel with my kids and to share the frustrations! I don't think my mum has gotten more phone calls than recently as I find I miss talking with her so much and I value those phone calls immensely. If my mum was here I would definitely be giving her my cupcakes this week as I think she is the best mum ever but as I can't really ship cupcakes thousands of miles I will have to give them to someone else.
The second person on my list of course would be my husbands mother who has been a great surrogate mother in place of my own mother all of these years. She is always putting herself before others and is a wonderful Nana. I value her help and support so much and I would not be making cakes if it were not for her getting me started! Unfortunately I cannot share my cupcakes with her either as she is on a strict diet and that would be just cruel of me so I opened up mothers day cupcakes to the public.
The cupcakes this week are a dark chocolate mud cupcake with a white chocolate truffle icing. They are going to the mum of friend Kerryn who I consider her to be a supermum herself. Somehow (Im not sure how) she manages to work part time, raise two beautiful kids and study part time and somehow manages to keep her sanity. She says that she wouldn't be able to do this without her mum. Her mum will take her kids whenever she has class or has to work and is more than happy to do this. In the weekends when her husband is working nights and has to sleep during the day, her mum lets her crash her house with the two kids. A very talented lady, she has made Kerryn and her son a quilt and is currently making her daughter a quilt. Kerryn says she always puts others before herself even to the point of quitting her job next year so that she can watch the kids while Kerryn finishes her schooling. I hope that this very deserving mum enjoys this cupcake treat!
You can purchase this bouquet of seven chocolate mud cupcakes with white chocolate truffle icing if the recipient lives in Tauranga for $25 for your mum or wife or for any other occasion. Please add another $5 for delivery or they can be arranged to be picked up. If the bouquet does not capture your interest you also have the choice of sending your mum a box of cupcakes, 6 for $18 or 12 for $30. These can be in the flavors of chocolate mud cake, caramel mudcake or white chocolate lemon poppyseed mud cake. The icing can be white chocolate truffle or dark chocolate truffle. If you would like cupcakes for mothers day I need orders to me by Saturday morning. Email me to mrswoolleyscakes@gmail.com or send me a message on facebook.